Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Savannah is on the move!

I have finally figured out how to crawl forward instead of just backward, pull up on the furniture or toys (or your leg!), and cruise along these things without help! I'm so happy with myself that I can't stop smiling and laughing out loud! My new words are "Whoa!", "Popa" for my Poppy, "Dada" when I want to play and "MAMA!" for everything else. She enjoys it, so I don't mind that she helps me out.

I also have three teeth now, and anxiously awaiting the breakthrough of my fourth. Even though I was a late bloomer as far as teeth went, I got three in one week!

I am a very happy, smiley baby and I love to meet new people. Any situation where I am the center of attention is alright with me!

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