Thursday, October 1, 2009

Sleeping Angel

This is Mommy's favorite time of the day! Since I've been moving and grooving, I've been taking lots of naps during the day. Mommy couldn't resist taking this picture of me this morning after playing hard!

How gorgeous am I?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Savannah is on the move!

I have finally figured out how to crawl forward instead of just backward, pull up on the furniture or toys (or your leg!), and cruise along these things without help! I'm so happy with myself that I can't stop smiling and laughing out loud! My new words are "Whoa!", "Popa" for my Poppy, "Dada" when I want to play and "MAMA!" for everything else. She enjoys it, so I don't mind that she helps me out.

I also have three teeth now, and anxiously awaiting the breakthrough of my fourth. Even though I was a late bloomer as far as teeth went, I got three in one week!

I am a very happy, smiley baby and I love to meet new people. Any situation where I am the center of attention is alright with me!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Savannah's jealous of the new addition

Mommy took me to see Akira, the newest addition to Daddy's family today. She is very adorable and tiny, but I was quite jealous because she was getting everyone's attention and not me! Here I am leaning over to check her out while her Mommy was changing her diaper. Even MY Mommy held her - I didn't know what was going on! I can't wait until she's big enough to play with me! She's the closest cousin to my age.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Noah and I hanging out

Noah came over to visit tonight and I was so excited to show him how I can sit up on my own now! He's a lot better at it than I am, but I am going to keep trying.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Auntie M's graduation

Whew! I've had a very eventful summer already and it hasn't even been summer very long! This is me after Auntie M's (Megan's) graduation. Good thing it wasn't as long as Uncle Michael's! I loved looking at all of the people, but I didn't like it when everyone clapped at the same time - it was VERY loud! I can't wait until I get to be old enough to graduate high school, but Mommy and Daddy sure can!

Look Mom, no hands, just toes!

I'm so excited that I can now make my toes reach into my mouth. That's a whole other set of things for me to chew on and another set of germs for my Daddy to worry about!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Daddy's favorite recent picture

Daddy loves this picture of me wearing his sunglasses before we went to the river. Scooby had a lot of fun in the water that day and I had a lot of fun watching him and laughing at him. I was even amazed when Daddy caught a fish!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Uncle Michael's graduation

I got to go to Uncle Michael's graduation today and watch him and about 2,800 other people get their diplomas as well. It was very cold in there, but luckily, I had a nice warm blankey to keep me cozy and I slept most of the time. I sure am glad to be outside now so I don't have to be quiet anymore!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Visits from friends

A few weeks ago, Miss Savannah was visited by Keelyn and Kendall. They had a lot of fun telling secrets to each other. The twins mommy thinks they will be sharing alot of secrets in the future! If only we all lived closer to one another.....

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Cabin Fever

Ms. Savannah has cabin fever like her mommy. I hate these 80 degree days in the middle of 50 degree days! Mom says, "Look at those chunky thighs!"

Monday, March 9, 2009

Today, Mommy and Daddy took me for my first swim at the Y. Don't I look like I'm having a blast?!?!?! The water was heated, so it reminded me a little of my bathwater, but it was still a little chilly. Daddy didn't let me stay in there long.

I can't wait until I'm bigger so I can go out with Mommy and Daddy on the canoe and take swimming lessons!