Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Savannah's new baby "brudder"

It took a long time, but that beach ball is now out of my mama's belly.  I'm glad John Bailey is finally here, but I still get jealous sometimes that he gets a lot of attention.  I can't wait until he gets older so I can play with him!  Right now, I'm pretty sure he's a baby doll mommy won't let me play with.  

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Savannah's favorite person

Noah is quite possibly my favorite person in the world!  I carry a wallet-sized photo of him around all day asking Mama where he is.  Our day at Maymont consisted of me chasing after him while hollering, "Noah, Noah, Noah, Noah, NOAH!!!!"  This picture is the end of our Maymont day where we wanted to read the same book, so he let me sit in his lap and we had Aunt Tammy read us the book.  

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Easter Egg Hunt with Daddy

Daddy and I have so much fun no matter what we do!  This is us on the tire swing after my first Easter Egg Hunt!  I found 14 eggs!  I liked the ones that jingled (with change) the most!  :)  

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Can you believe I'm one already?!?

Mommy thought you might like to see the pictures I took for my first birthday. I had a blast making the photographer laugh, and of course, making Mommy chase me all over the place! I'm sure we'll be back in the picture place soon for the arrival of my little brother.


Sunday, January 31, 2010

My new cousin, Brandon Kane

I was very excited to finally meet my new cousin, Brandon Kane. He was only 7 weeks old when he came to visit, and he was so tiny, I thought he was a baby doll, so I tried to carry him around the house like I do my babies. I'm definitely not used to having another baby in the house, so when he cried, it messed me up. By the time it was time for him to go home, all I wanted to do was sleep!

My mommy is a little nervous about how I'm going to act in April when Bailey comes home, but we'll play it by ear.

Love you,