Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Noah and I hanging out

Noah came over to visit tonight and I was so excited to show him how I can sit up on my own now! He's a lot better at it than I am, but I am going to keep trying.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Auntie M's graduation

Whew! I've had a very eventful summer already and it hasn't even been summer very long! This is me after Auntie M's (Megan's) graduation. Good thing it wasn't as long as Uncle Michael's! I loved looking at all of the people, but I didn't like it when everyone clapped at the same time - it was VERY loud! I can't wait until I get to be old enough to graduate high school, but Mommy and Daddy sure can!

Look Mom, no hands, just toes!

I'm so excited that I can now make my toes reach into my mouth. That's a whole other set of things for me to chew on and another set of germs for my Daddy to worry about!