Sunday, March 15, 2009

Visits from friends

A few weeks ago, Miss Savannah was visited by Keelyn and Kendall. They had a lot of fun telling secrets to each other. The twins mommy thinks they will be sharing alot of secrets in the future! If only we all lived closer to one another.....

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Cabin Fever

Ms. Savannah has cabin fever like her mommy. I hate these 80 degree days in the middle of 50 degree days! Mom says, "Look at those chunky thighs!"

Monday, March 9, 2009

Today, Mommy and Daddy took me for my first swim at the Y. Don't I look like I'm having a blast?!?!?! The water was heated, so it reminded me a little of my bathwater, but it was still a little chilly. Daddy didn't let me stay in there long.

I can't wait until I'm bigger so I can go out with Mommy and Daddy on the canoe and take swimming lessons!